

What the hell is happening?

about bulletpointideas

When it comes to the overwhelming number of articles, social media posts, YouTube and TikTok videos that attempt to explain the events of the world, it’s easy to get turned off by politics for good. 

The problem with not following domestic and foreign events in the news – even infrequently – is it makes you – the voter – ill informed. 

Don’t you want to know what that supposedly left-wing party is doing to the economy?

Did you know that the party you’re planning to vote for doesn’t actually have your best interests at heart?

These are hypotheticals, but the point is, no one likes to be duped. 

And nothing does a better job of duping the headline-only-readers of a population than the mainstream media. (Check out the propaganda model – Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.)

No one has the whole truth. That’s not the point of BulletPointIdeas.

To have a good general knowledge of the political landscape, we need to read books. A lot of books.

Books cost money and time, but they are by far the best resource for non-academics to learn about the world.

BulletPointIdeas aims to bring you summaries of these books that provide the bare essentials for understanding a concept, idea, historical event, ect.

Within these articles we will list and link to further reading resources, so you can continue to educate yourselves in more depth, and support the authors!

These summaries are written by humans with human brains and human time. AI can fuck off. That’s our policy.

Bias Disclaimer

I, Tommye Rozee, the owner of bulletpointideas.co.uk, am politically left-wing and a member of the Green Party. 

Obviously, there will be some bias. However, I regularly read articles and books from across the political spectrum and will talk about those in articles too.

From George Monbiot to Douglas Murray, I have seen both sides of a range of issues explored in depth by talented writers and thinkers (and some idiots). However, there is always more to read.

Find Tommye on BlueSky for the latest updates.